Meet the Herd Guardian

Ozai the Maremma Sheepdog
Ozai is our livestock guardian dog. At one year old, he is still a puppy and learning his job, but we are thrilled with his instincts so far.
Meet the Boer Does

The Original Matriarch of the Herd
Part of the original 3 boers we obtained to start our herd, Emma had maintained her leadership status despite age and illness. She was the oldest doe at 7 years old and was one tough cookie. She is survived by her 3 offspring, Toph, Korra and Suki, seen below.

The Giantess
Part of the original 3 boers we obtained in 2021, along with her sister Azula, Katara has turned into quite the champion Momma. This year was her second time kidding and she gave us quadruplets in an unassisted birth.

The Loud Mouth
Korra is the daughter of Emma and thankfully didn't acquire her dislike of people. She is a friendly girl who is always begging for attention, and food. Her sister is Toph and she was one of 3 kids.

The Tiniest yet Mightiest
What this goat lacks in size, she makes up for in her mothering ability and creativity for browsing. She is the sister to Korra.

Suki is the final daughter of Emma we retained for our herd. She is a very compact, thick doe.

The Sweetheart
Foldie Locks
Foldie was a triplet from our most athletic goat, Azula. She is the first goat to come up to you when you enter and loves to be pet. She is a true sweetie.

The Spoiled Brat
One of the 2 bottle babies of 2023, this girl is one of the friendliest in the herd. She's gorgeous and she knows it. She is one of our 2 dapple goats! Spring of 2025 will be her first time kidding.

The New Kid in Town
Lady Bug
Bug is a darling of a goat and is very curious. She was brought in from the same farm as Ruckus to help improve the hardiness of our herd. Spring of 2025 will be her first time kidding!

Our Listeria Survivor
Dory is one of 4 from Katara's 2023 kidding. Summer of 2024, she came down with listeriosis and spent a week recovery in our homemade ICU unit. She made a full recovery and has turned into a wonderful doe.

Katara's Keepers, 2024
Hama & Sangre
These two girls are twins from Katara we have retained from our 2024 kidding. We couldn't decide which one we liked better so we have kept both to see how they both grow.
Meet the Boers Bucks

Junior Herd Sire
This purebred buck is a gentle guy who hopes to bring some color into our herd while maintaining the classic meat goat characteristics. He will be sharing the girls with his buddy Ruckus.

Junior Herd Sire
This fullblood buck was brought in from a farm with Bug to help steer our herd in a new direction while continuing to make goats with excellent meat qualities. He comes from generations of selective breeding for foraging ability and hardiness.